ARGs, RPGs, Interactive Drama, Cross-Media, Serious Games, Film, Doco, Literature, Blogs and Marketing

Yep, they are all the topics I’ll be presenting on over the next few weeks in three states across Australia. But what is even more interesting, are the co-presenters. Check out this yummy bunch of seminars:

  • Film Australia’s “Evan Jones Masterclass: Extending Doco in the Time of Digital”

Monday 20th November, 1.30-4.30pm, Film Australia’s Roxy Theatre, Sydney
Tuesday 21st November, 1.30-4.30pm, AFTRS Melbourne, Docklands Theatrette, Digital Harbour, Melbourne
Free Masterclass with the Creative Director of Xenophile Media, creator of amazing ERGs (‘ARGs‘) such as ReGenesis I & II and beautiful doco projects like Beethoven’s Hair and Quebec 1749). SEE INVITE [pdf]

  • AFTRS’ “Extended Entertainment Experiences”

Friday 24th November, 10-4.30pm, Chauvel Theatre, Paddington
A day discussing real world cross-media projects: ‘alternate reality games’, experiential marketing and interactive drama. Evan Jones of Xenophile Media and Chris Avellone of Obsidian Entertainment will the international guests. The Marketing Director of Yahoo!7, Cricket Wardein, and Integrated Marketing Director of Yahoo!7, Kristin Carlos, will be speaking about the Australian leg of the international ARG of the Lost TV series The Lost Experience and interactive drama PSTrixi. Glen Condie of Maverick Marketing and Communications will talk about the experiential campaigns created by his agency and Deb Polson of QUT will share techniques she uses in Scoot. Excellent line-up!! Oh, I’ll be giving a presentation about the evolution of these forms of entertainment and MCing the day. Some (old) info and registration details ONLINE

  • Australian Literature Board’s “Story of the Future”

Monday 27th November, 9am-4.30pm, Innovation Centre, AFTRS, Docklands, Melbourne
Wednesday 29th November, 9am-4.30pm, Room B1.11, Building 5, Quay St, University of Technology, Sydney
Chris Avellone of Obsidian Entertainment will talk about RPG design, Simon Hopkinson the President of the Australian Writers’ Guild, Marissa Cooke, the writer for Fat Cow Motel, Jim Shobos of multi-platform drama Forget the Rules fame, Jackie Turnure and I will also be presenting. I’ll be talking about cross-media approaches to writing, distribution and marketing; interviewing Chris Avellone and MCing the day. Registration Form and more details ONLINE.

The following four events I’m running for the Australian Film, Television and Radio School; Australian Writers’ Guild and Dept of Industry & Resources:

  • Serious Games Workshop

Thurs Nov 30th, 6.30-9pm
WestOne Theatrette, Leederville, Perth

  • Everything You Wanted to Know about Blogging

Fri Dec 1st, 6.30-8pm
Australian Writer’s Guild, Perth

  • Alternate Reality Game Design Workshop

Sat Dec 2, 9.30am-1pm
Innovation Centre, Bentley, Perth

  • Cross-Media Entertainment Design Workshop

Sat Dec 2, 2pm-5.30pm
Innovation Centre, Bentley, Perth
Details about these workshops in this [pdf]

  • ‘A Case-Study of miniARGs: Design Issues for Creating Alternate Reality Games for Professional Training and Education’ Paper

This is a paper I’m presenting at the Joint CyberGames & Interactive Entertainment 2006 Conference
Weds 6th Dec, 10am, Perth

  • Alternate Reality Games and Cross-Media Entertainment: Low-tech, high-impact immersive experiences Workshop

A workshop I’m running at CyberGames & IE.
Weds 6th Dec, 1.30-3.30pm, Perth
Full details ONLINE

So, I hope to see you at one of these events. Or, if you email me during this time and I don’t respond, this is why. Or, if I babble incessantly at you, you know why.

9 thoughts on “ARGs, RPGs, Interactive Drama, Cross-Media, Serious Games, Film, Doco, Literature, Blogs and Marketing

  1. Hey Steve! Re: all this talk. Yeah, I’ve been thinking that the thing I really crave right now is to do more of the creation side of things, with people who already know alot about these areas. I’m working with some people who are like that and it is a delight. But for now, these seminars will help others either discover this area or hone their skills in it. Which means more practitioners! Yay!

  2. Hiya Christy,

    I look forward to catching at least one of your sessions in Perth. Just waiting on my work roster to see if there are any clashes. The CGIE2006 looks to offer a broad overview of some interesting work – I hope I can organise to attend. Have the local chapter of the IGDA been in touch? I’m still bumbling along with my creative development cycles – feeling fairly isolated academically at the moment – your visit should inject some desperately needed alternative perspectives.



  3. Hi Christy,

    I’m Sharn from the UK. I’m absolutely loving your work – currently trying to persuade my company (educational communications) to embrace the creativity in cross-media environments to no avail. Anyhow…
    Are you planning on posting your ARG for training and education paper on your site at all. I would very much like to read it.


  4. Good to hear you champion cross-media! As for some helpful resources, as soon as the ARG SIG Whitepaper comes out that will be a help (inform you of other things happening)…etc…I’ll keep you posted, more detail to come! gotta run now!

  5. hi, i’ve been lurking your blog for a while..:)
    there will be any report, podcast, drawings, smoke signal of these events? sadly i live in the other side of the world (italy) and i’m very interested in the subject..
    i’m involved in immersive entertainment in the form of live action roleplay…working on some experimental format



  6. Hello Luca, welcome! Yes, there will be some podcasts of some of the events. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

  7. Really glad you are doing that blogging seminar with the AWG. It’s very timely. I forgot to tell you on Monday that I have an article coming out next Wednesday (first wed in December) on book blogging, in the Australian’s new Literary Review.
    If you don’t catch up with it I will send you a copy. I sent a survey around all the writers’ centres about Internet training, blogging, etc. and the replies were quite interesting.

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