Conference on Marketing in Virtual Worlds

This will be an interesting conference. I’m interested not just in the marketing of products, but of the transmedia expansions of entertainment properties (as I’ve discussed here). Virtual Worlds Conference 2007 is the leading event for Fortune 500 businesses seeking to understand and maximize marketing and business strategies within virtual worlds.  Leading companies from Toyota to … Read moreConference on Marketing in Virtual Worlds

The Lost Experience: Branding Perspective Interview

Rick Mathieson interviews Mike Benson, the Senior Vice President of Marketing for ABC Entertainment, on “multi-platform branded entertainment”. It is an audio interview about The Lost Experience from a branding perspective (which extends an earlier article on the topic too). I’ve popped some notes about each one here: Part 1: Benson spoke about how The Lost Experience helped … Read moreThe Lost Experience: Branding Perspective Interview

Get Outta My Face!

Ah geez, it is fun saying that: Get Outta My Face! But really, it is the name of a project, a very exciting project that has been started by five teens in Central Oregon. They are sick of big company advertisements that prescribe correct dietary behaviour with “lame” motivations like “eat THIS on the new food pyramid” or “turn … Read moreGet Outta My Face!

Brands in Games thesis online

Ilya Vedrashko, a student at MIT, has announced that he has finished his Masters on in-game advertising. His blog, Brands in Games, has been a great resource of information and he will continue with the blog, but he has also generously provided his Masters in pdf format at his new thesis site: He will also … Read moreBrands in Games thesis online

Geez, Veronica Mars and Samuel L Jackson Keep Calling Me

ARGs have had characters calling ‘players’ (people?) for some years now. In the last couple of years we’ve seen this technique being used by film and TV producers. Rather than provide unique narrative content, however, they have a more economic function: motivating you to watch the TV show or film. Well, September last year I … Read moreGeez, Veronica Mars and Samuel L Jackson Keep Calling Me