The Brisband chapter of the IGDA have invited me to give a talk and workshop next week in Queensland: GAME_ON: talk and workshop- tues 5 june, 5-7pm @ KGUV Community Hub, Carraway St, Kelvin Grove ‘Alternate Reality Games: Multi-Platform & Multi-World Design’ In this talk Christy Dena will provide an overview of the pervasive gaming … Read moreMy Talk on ARGs @ Game_On next week
The sequel to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, will be launched in cinemas on July 18, 2008. Warner Bros are busy with preparing audiences now, however, with an emerging online ‘alternate reality’ campaign. On May 12, Warner Bros put the official teaser site online [source]. The site has the batman image, but soon after it linked … Read moreBatman Alternate Reality Game?!
Dan Hon, COO of Mind Candy has put the transcript of the 2007 SXSW conference panel: ARG!
The Digital Communication and Culture Department at the University of Sydney (which is the Uni where I’m doing my PhD) invited me to give a lecture to their Digital Cultures students. Tomorrow I’ll be giving the talk titled Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts. I’ll present on the different approaches to cross-media/transmedia/multi-platform in mass-entertainment, independent art, gaming, literature … Read moreMy Guest Lecture: "Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts"
Crossovers (what I call inter-world relations in academia) are a familiar trait of comic books. Indeed, the playing with boundaries of all kinds — from media to fictional worlds — is a characteristic of this age of integration. My monocle popped however (to quote Christian McCrea) when I recently saw two ARGs crossover. For the … Read moreCrossovers come to ARGs: Perplex City & Frozen Indigo Angel
I, and many others, have been looking forward to (and thinking about creating) a multi-platform immersive comedy for a while. Well, NBC will be doing it soon: NBC Digital Entertainment today [May 14] announced the second season of its pioneering interactive entertainment. Continuing to set the standard for broadcast network digital entertainment, this fall, NBC Digital Entertainment will introduce the follow … Read moreFirst 360 Experience Comedy!
Emma, a television series broadcast on Belgium Public Television (VRT), has announced that they have created an ‘alternate reality game’ extension to the TV series; like Xenophile Media’s Extended Reality Game for the TV series ReGenesis in Canada; Hoodlum Entertainment’s online murder mystery extension to Emmerdale in the UK; Hoodlum Entertainment’s online extension to Fat Cow … Read moreBelgium ARG for TV Show Emma
Lance Weiler, the director of the film The Last Broadcast (which has been described as the “original Blair Witch Project”) released another film last september: Head Trauma. What is interesting about the project is the STACK OF GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE with the film!! Firstly, he or the film has a presence … Read moreWow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…
As many of you would be aware, I wrote the section on ARGs & Academia for the International Game Developers Association Alternate Reality Game SIG Whitepaper. *whew! * I looked around far and wide to find academics and educators who are looking at ARGs and presented what was at the time a pretty comprehensive listing … Read moreAlternate Reality Game Researcher & Educator Listserv