Ingredients of Twitter and how to be a rebel in the cyber crowd

Just came across this website, A World Without Hippos, a site that has only one category: unmitigated genuis. This blogger posted his (?) impressions of Twitter: Collect the following ingredients. 1 pound – Boring 14 ounces – “Wazzapppppppp!” 3 shakes – Hey, Everyone, Look at Me! A pinch – I wish I lived a more interesting … Read moreIngredients of Twitter and how to be a rebel in the cyber crowd

Wow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…

    Lance Weiler, the director of the film The Last Broadcast (which has been described as the “original Blair Witch Project”) released another film last september: Head Trauma. What is interesting about the project is the STACK OF GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE with the film!! Firstly, he or the film has a presence … Read moreWow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…

Closure on the web

The notion of closure in interactive narratives has been explored by, among others, hypertext-response theorist Jane Yellowless Douglas. In her paper, “How Do I Stop this Thing?”: Closure and Indeterminacy in Interactive Narratives, Douglas analyses the assumptions we make as readers and how we long for closure, even if the text doesn’t supply it: Even … Read moreClosure on the web

Major Study on Brands in Second Life

I just discovered through Ilya’s post a study of the Perception of the Presence of Brands in Second Life by CB News in partnership with Repères Second Life. It is an excellent study because it gives some spot on advice about brands in SL but also because it provides a snapshot of SL residents. Here are some of the findings:

The main thing learnt from the poll was that the presence of RL brands is perceived as positive by a great majority of Second Life residents: 66% believe that the presence of RL brands has a positive impact on SL, whereas 22% believe that RL brands have no impact on SL, and only 11% believe that RL brands have a negative impact on SL.

Some of the negatives about brands:

Read moreMajor Study on Brands in Second Life

Murderer Revealed to Web Audiences First

As I’ve mentioned before, Australian company Hoodlum Entertainment, created the online extension to the popular UK soap Emmerdale. A quote from my previous post outlines the format: According to Hoodlum, the Emmerdale Channel is fully integrated with the TV show. At the end of each episode, the show will encourage viewers to visit the channel … Read moreMurderer Revealed to Web Audiences First

Burnett, MySpace, Reality TV & Politics: "Independent"

LOS ANGELES — The online social networking site and reality TV producer Mark Burnett are teaming to launch the search for an independent presidential candidate. The political reality show “Independent” comes with a $1 million cash prize. But there’s a catch: the winner can’t keep the money. The prize can be used to finance … Read moreBurnett, MySpace, Reality TV & Politics: "Independent"

Experience Design & Showbusiness

Adam Lawrence has put together 12 Tips from Showbusiness to apply to Experience Design: Storyboard your highlights: BoomWowWowWowBOOM! Plan your experience like a Hollywood movie; have a great opening impression, a series of highlights, and a finale that tops even the opener! “The Making of” – show hidden values People are interested in what happens … Read moreExperience Design & Showbusiness

Cross-media researcher in Philippines & an update on the term

Faye Martel has contacted me, she is the first researcher in the Philippines I’m aware of looking at the area of cross-media. She’s doing an MA in Communications at the Ateneo de Manila University. At present, she’s struggling to find some cross-media projects in the Philippines…and so am I. So, if you know of any, please … Read moreCross-media researcher in Philippines & an update on the term


I stumbled across walking artist Hamish Fulton (his works) whilst in Paris. He takes photos while he walks. He claims the walk is the artwork but the photographs are the only thing he can sell. Love this: I like this because of the truth of it, experiences reign supreme. But I’d also like to add a perspective … Read more"AN OBJECT CANNOT COMPETE WITH AN EXPERIENCE", but