TV of Tomorrow, next month

TV of Tomorrow logo


Tracey Swedlow, the lady behind the ultra informative [itvt] is holding an industry conference, TV of Tomorrow Show. I have mentioned this before, but thought a reminder post was due since it is being held on March 13-14th in San Francisco, California. The event will include the announcement of the winners of the inaugural Awards for Corporate Achievement in Interactive and Multiplatform Television. I am interested to see who receives an award, hopefully it will be a work that is truly innovative and is quality. Interesting sessions include:

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Cross-Media: Virtual Worlds and Podcasts > "The Shadow Falls Experience"


Shadow Falls title in video


I completely missed this one when it was happening (my defence is that I was travelling at the time), but you really should know about this if you don’t already. In July last year an audio drama began, Shadow Falls. It is a scary tale with high production standards, nice careful attention to the writing, and anagram clues that are issued in the audio fan forum…and so gathered alot of fans very quickly. The season one finale was in early November and fans were hanging out for more tales. And so, the writer Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff, got together with some experts of another artform and added something new on the 22nd of November. On that day they launched “The Shadow Falls Experience“.

What they did was create the fictional world of Shadow Falls in the online virtual world Second Life. And then, over the next few weeks, released audio clues in the podcast. The listeners then logged into SL and sought out the information, based on the clues. Just like the ARG I Love Bees, the players had to solve a puzzle and go to a (virtual) place to retrieve an audio component of the story. The players do this, but for those who do not participate in the experience, the total story is podcast at the end. This story is the season two prologue, a podnovel/audio novel. Here is what Mark said about the experience in the “interactive fan forum”, companion #5 podcast (17/11/06) prior to it commencing: 

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The Heroes 360 Experience: a case for (more) tiering


Heroes 360 banner


To augment the popular NBC TV series, Heroes, The Heroes 360 Experience was launched on Jan 22 this year. The official press release from NBC says:

Beginning on January 22nd, viewers will be invited to experience Heroes in a whole new way. As they investigate on-air clues and learn new truths about the characters, their involvement will lead them to new platforms, including interaction with unique mobile content; a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) site that one of the characters gives them access to; a special “two screen” application which provides a real-time experience; access to the fictional Primatech Paper company’s phone system; and significantly increased original content on including secret files, hidden sites and original commentary from cast members added to each streaming episode.

Now, to a bit of discussion about it…

Read moreThe Heroes 360 Experience: a case for (more) tiering

TransISTor 2007: cross-media gaming courses

TransISTor is a training initiative organised by CIANT – International Centre for Art and New Technologies in cooperation with FAMU – Film and TV Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague supported by the MEDIA Training Programme of the European Union. TransISTor focuses on computer games technologies while opening up their creative potential … Read moreTransISTor 2007: cross-media gaming courses

International 3D Earth Challenge

INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL EARTH 3D VISUALIZATION GRAND CHALLENGE How can we better experience this world of ours at the cross roads of human impacts and climate change?  How can we best communicate these experiences, particularly in light of the major changes Earth now faces, as one world?  How can we most compellingly understand and communicate those … Read moreInternational 3D Earth Challenge

Writing the Story of the Future: Adelaide

Writing the Story of the Future The Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts and AFTRS invite you to a one-day seminar exploring a universe in which the book is a game without buttons. Join acclaimed US collaborators new media artist Eddo Stern and writer Jessica Hutchins; award-winning scriptwriter Simon Hopkinson; new media … Read moreWriting the Story of the Future: Adelaide