It's Off: the ARG whitepaper!
I just clicked the send button on the email that delivered the ARGs and Academia section I wrote for the IGDA ARG SIG whitepaper. *sigh* and *yay*
I just clicked the send button on the email that delivered the ARGs and Academia section I wrote for the IGDA ARG SIG whitepaper. *sigh* and *yay*
Okay, I’m going to try an unusual form of constrained writing. I am only going to blog about MySpace sites & stats etc AT MY MYSPACE blog. And, I’m only going to blog about SecondLife events & things I do in SL AT MY SNAPZILLA. The latter is a bit unusual too as Snapzilla probably wasn’t … Read moreServer-based Constrained Writing
The latest issue of The Escapist Magazine (which can be read in Second Life as well) has an article by Shannon Drake on the ARG Perplex City: Breaking the Fourth Wall. Ignore the first page with unhelpful comments such as ARGs “are growing up, moving away from experiments and marketing gimmicks” (referring to The Beast, Majestic … Read moreEscapist article on ARG Perplex City
The ZeroOne San Jose: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge is being held in August 9-12 this year. Artists will be given the opportunity to pitch their ideas live on stage to thousands of audience members, once they get through the game that has been planned for them. C5 Quest for Success … Read moreLocative Arts, Corporate Pitching & Go-Carts
That’s right. I’m lucky to have been asked, nominated and voted in to one of Australia’s key media arts organisations: dLux Media Arts. They’ve been branching into mobile arts and multi-platform arts and that’s why I’m there. I’m working with the excellent team they’ve assembled, including Jamie Leonarder (of SBS Movie Show fame) and the … Read moreI'm on the Board of dLux!
I’m getting a heck of a lot of Net traffic from people wanting to follow up on NBC’s Treasure Hunt. So here are some sites I’ve found that are working on deciphering the clues (geez, shouldn’t NBC have this somewhere?): NBC Teasure Hunters Blog (Steeple Media) NBC Treasure Hunters Forum (Steeple Media) YahooGroups Treasure Hunters Game Discussion List … Read moreThe Hunt is On!: Links
I?ve been enjoying travelling around Second Life (SL) and investigating, among other things, the marketing systems being developed. Why SL? Everything in SL is created by the ‘residents’ who keep their IP and can choose to give away or sell their creations. This virtual money, Linden dollars,?can be?converted into real US dollars and withdrawn from … Read moreMarketing Across Worlds
Thanks for this heads up from fellow mentor at LAMP, David Jensen of Zeetools, for this little gem. Telemundo (NBC Universal owned) launched a VOD mystery series for Central and South American audiences, Barbara Luna, that had the first episode on television. Let me explain. What they did was have the stars of the show … Read moreHispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna
For those who are unfamiliar with Second Life and MySpace, and for those that are, here are some wonderful user-generated videos that ridicule and elaborate on them: The crass but true Ill Will?s Second Life Vacation And the sad but true Robbie Dingo?s Better Life David Lehre’s MySpace Movie Everything you see in these videos … Read moreSecond Life & MySpace spoofs
This would have to be one of the funniest film sites I’ve seen. It is a ‘meta site’, a site about an apparent actual site for the film Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story. The film is about making the film about the novel the film is based on — whichis entirely in the style of … Read moreMeta Madness: Film Site Funnies