Marc Ruppel's latest paper

Marc Ruppel is a researcher into what he terms “cross-sited narratives”. He has put one of his talks online, a presentation that was part of his PhD Comprehensive Exam in Digital Studies, University of Maryland College Park. Marc terms: cross-sited narratives “as multi-sensory stories told across two or more diverse media (film, print literature, web, … Read moreMarc Ruppel's latest paper

Some great interactive narrative workshops

Excellent line-up at sagasnet: Developing Interactive Entertainment Workshop Headed by: Greg Roach / Guest Speaker (on ARG): Dave Szulborski/ March 03 2006 – March 09 2006, Academy for TV and Film Munich, Germany In this intensive workshop the relationship between storytelling, visual media techniques, game design and interactivity will be explored in depth. Participants will … Read moreSome great interactive narrative workshops