Jason Nelson's "game, game, game and again game"

Jason Nelson, an internationally regarded (yet not deservingly so in Australia unfortunately) digital artist, has created a great literary game about games, religion, society, net art and interaction design in general called “game, game, game and again game”. It is a great fun and very clever work that has attracted over 7 million hits from newspapers and magazines. … Read moreJason Nelson's "game, game, game and again game"

Mediamatic's "Games in Crossmedia" Workshop

In October 2007, Mediamatic will be running a workshop on ‘Games in Crossmedia’: Virtual worlds such as Second Life are gaining popularity fast – they are places for acting out fantasies, but also for film making and telling stories. Techniques like machinima offer new possibilities for creating films and television in the 3D worlds of … Read moreMediamatic's "Games in Crossmedia" Workshop

Transmedia Planners etc on Facebook

For the past year almost, I’ve been following the discussion about ‘transmedia planning’ that has been taking place in cyberspace and at conferences. In response to Henry Jenkins’ ‘transmedia storytelling’, Faris Yakob introduced  ‘Transmedia Planning’ in October 2006: In this model, there would be an evolving non-linear brand narrative. Different channels could be used to communicate different, … Read moreTransmedia Planners etc on Facebook

Fan Fiction to Fanon to…

I’m keen to find out about fan productions that have been officially or unofficially deemed part of the main canon, fanon or at least highly regarded. According to Ms Nitpicker’s FanFic Glossary (2002-2006): “Fanon” is a detail about a particular show or character that was created by a fan but has now been generally borrowed/copied/accepted as … Read moreFan Fiction to Fanon to…

My address to the Australian Publishing Industry

As I mentioned previously, last month I gave a talk at the Australian Literature Board’s Publishing the Story of the Future. Although it is very cringe-worthy to me (I’m not my usual lively self and I’m reading a script), I’ve decided to share my slides and the video. The slides are actually best viewed at a bigger size, at slideshare.

Thursday's Fictions: Theatre, Book, TV and Second Life

Last Sunday I presented at the Revelations Film Festival in Perth on Second Life art in the panel: ‘Second Life & Beyond: Virtual Communities and Making Media in a Digital World’.  During that presentation I mentioned a dance film, Thursday’s Fictions, that will be broadcast on the ABC this Sunday @ 3pm, which will be followed by … Read moreThursday's Fictions: Theatre, Book, TV and Second Life

"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Being in Second Life"

Sorry about the radio silence here. I’ll be back in cyberspace very soon. (big smiley). In the meantime, here is a discussion I’ll be participating in at empyre next month, hope you join in:  Join us at -empyre- in August 2007 for: *The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Being in Second Life* when hostess … Read more"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Being in Second Life"