ARGFest 2007 videos

ARGFest-o-Con was held during March 2-4  in San Francisco. Videos of the sessions are at youtube, and here.

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SXSW Alternate Reality Games transcript online

Dan Hon, COO of Mind Candy has put the transcript of the 2007 SXSW conference panel: ARG! The Attack of the Alternate Reality Games transcript online. It is a fantastic talk that addresses alot of questions people have about ARGs and marketing and emerging trends. I’ve cherrypicked some quotes that stand out for me.

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Unpacking a "TransMedia" video

I stumbled across this video by Mickey Gilchrist and Scott Bartlett that is titled “transmedia”. The inference, then, is that this video is a collection of transmedia examples. Have a look: [youtube QBusjqW7wRA] Now, in an effort to demythologise what ‘transmedia’ and ‘cross-media’ etc is, I’ll take the opportunity to unpack the relations between the segments … Read moreUnpacking a "TransMedia" video

FremantleMedia's "comedy vlog drama"

On the 5th April, FremantleMedia launched Project V. Project V is a 12 week comedy told through six vloggers. They are real world performers (mainly comedians) from the UK and US who can vlog about anything. And they do. So, it has the realism aesthetic of ‘LonelyGirl15’ but without the deception; sometimes well executed comedy … Read moreFremantleMedia's "comedy vlog drama"

DIMEA 2007: Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts

The DIMEA 2007: Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts will be held on the 19th – 21st September 2007 in Perth, Western Australia. DIMEA 2007 is organised jointly by Murdoch University and ACM SIG CHI (Singapore Chapter). DIMEA 2007 is a cross-disciplinary conference that will bring together researchers from the … Read moreDIMEA 2007: Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts

"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

This is definitely a time of monocle popping for me. I have just discovered a course dedicated to ‘transmedia story creation’. It is a core postgraduate subject in the Visual Language and Interactive Media MFA in Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. Dr Rudy McDaniel runs the course, which is described in the syllabus as follows: In … Read more"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

Crossovers come to ARGs: Perplex City & Frozen Indigo Angel

Crossovers (what I call inter-world relations in academia) are a familiar trait of comic books. Indeed, the playing with boundaries of all kinds — from media to fictional worlds — is a characteristic of this age of integration. My monocle popped however (to quote Christian McCrea) when I recently saw two ARGs crossover. For the … Read moreCrossovers come to ARGs: Perplex City & Frozen Indigo Angel

First 360 Experience Comedy!

I, and many others, have been looking forward to (and thinking about creating) a multi-platform immersive comedy for a while. Well, NBC will be doing it soon:  NBC Digital Entertainment today [May 14] announced the second season of its pioneering interactive entertainment. Continuing to set the standard for broadcast network digital entertainment, this fall, NBC Digital Entertainment will introduce the follow … Read moreFirst 360 Experience Comedy!

Virtual Worlds Awards

Neverdie (from Entropia) and Anshe Chung (real estate tycoon? from Second Life) have teamed together to launch the first ever Virtual Worlds Awards. The Virtual Worlds Academy was founded in march 2007, by Neverdie and Anshe Chung to organize Events that spotlight and recognize the artistic, technological, commercial and cultural development of all Virtual worlds … Read moreVirtual Worlds Awards