My Next Academic Talk: Mono-Polymorphism

Yep, you read it right. I’m presenting my theory on Mono-Polymorphism tomorrow (Friday Sept 15th) at Sydney University at a talk I was invited to give. 🙂 Mono-Polymorphism: A Paradigm for Understanding Cross-Media Entertainment Christy Dena In the age of cross-media production works are distributed over time and space like never before. A story can … Read moreMy Next Academic Talk: Mono-Polymorphism

The Whedonverse Expands

As with all conjured universes that have a premature ending or unpopulated grid, the Whedonverse, specifically Firefly and Serenity verse, has been persisted by fans. There are some wonderful fanfics such as the fan-made TV-series Into the Black and the live-action paromage (what I call a parody that is a homage) Mosquito. More recently there is also … Read moreThe Whedonverse Expands

Talk on Cross-Media Entertainment at AFTRS

The Australian Film, Television and Radio School has asked me to come in a give a lunchtime seminar on Cross-Media Entertainment. It is for practitioners across the whole school but outsiders are welcome to come too. Tomorrow at 1pm. Apologies for the late notice as I was waiting for the very sexy poster that you … Read moreTalk on Cross-Media Entertainment at AFTRS

TASSIE LAMP Call for Works/Teams

  APPLY NOW TO EVOLVE YOUR MEDIA OCTOBER 06 – THE 5th LIVE-IN-LAMP – TASMANIA Discover emerging media opportunities and create compelling next generation media at the next Laboratory for Advanced Media Production residential, proudly supported by Screen Tasmania through the Department of Economic Development. LAMP is designed to future-proof projects by guiding creative teams … Read moreTASSIE LAMP Call for Works/Teams

Jane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web

Jeremy Douglass, my wonderful co-blogger at WRT, interviewed new media arts legend Nick Montfort for the current issue of the Iowa Review Web. Jane McGonigal, ARG researcher and designer, was also interviewed (by Scott Rettberg — another new media arts legend and guest editor for the issue). Jane claims that players create Gesamtkunstwerk. I have cited Wagner’s … Read moreJane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web

World Cup Integrated Marketing Discussion

Monique has posted about a very interesting upcoming event: Cross-Media horizons after the World Cup being held in Cologne on the 25th August. 10:00 ? 10:10       Introduction Dr. Bettina Horster, eco; Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle/INCCOM-Project Host: Jochen Spangenberg/Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle 10:15 – 10:25        Cross-Media and EC policies Barbara Gessler, Representative of the European commission … Read moreWorld Cup Integrated Marketing Discussion