The next X|Media|Lab is coming up

The next X|Media|Lab is part of the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) and will be be held at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) August 11-13th. X|Media|Lab features an elite international network of the worlds outstanding digital media practitioners, innovators, and power-brokers. Mentors for this Lab include: the VP of Business Development from Current … Read moreThe next X|Media|Lab is coming up

New Mobisode Emmys honouring "cross media" approach

The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences have started an Emmy for Outstanding Original Programming Created for Non-Traditional Delviery Platforms. Entries for this award must be original material made-for-broadband or made-for-mobile. These platforms include video blogs, website programs including journalistic reporting, event coverage or event analysis, mobisodes (short episodics created for mobile devices), video-on-demand … Read moreNew Mobisode Emmys honouring "cross media" approach

iPerG "crossmedia game" YOU can be a part of, NOW!

  This is very cool. iPerG (Intergrated Project on Pervasive Gaming) have put out a secret invite to watch a test cross-media game over the web.  Epidemic Menace is the first prototype by the IPerG Crossmedia group. Wohoo! On July 6th and 7th there is a game event on campus Birlinghoven in Sankt Augustin where we … Read moreiPerG "crossmedia game" YOU can be a part of, NOW!

Hispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna

  Thanks for this heads up from fellow mentor at LAMP, David Jensen of Zeetools, for this little gem. Telemundo (NBC Universal owned) launched a VOD mystery series for Central and South American audiences, Barbara Luna, that had the first episode on television. Let me explain. What they did was have the stars of the show … Read moreHispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna

Integration isn't Media

Jim Meskauskas puts forward a wonderfully sensible critique of the way marketers are approaching ‘integrated marketing’: What most clients, agencies and media companies/publishers don’t seem to understand is that integration is not really a media opportunity; it is a creative strategy. Yes, ladies and gentleman. Integration is not really possible in media.  Media companies with … Read moreIntegration isn't Media