For those in Melbourne, I’m giving a talk tomorrow (Tuesday) at the DAG (Digital Art and Games) Seminar series, RMIT Creative Media, Games programs. It is at 12.30- 1.30pm in building 12, level 10, room 02 (lecture theatre). TITLE: Cross-Media Entertainment: How Games can be Designed to Take Over the Universe DESCRIPTION: Christy will provide an … Read moreTalk in Melbourne
Just a few hours ago, the LostARG began in the UK. My inbox is full with the details of the phone number (this is how the game starts: during an ‘ad break’ a phone number is shown) and the related sites. But, the Lost ARG doesn’t officially commence in Australia until the 4th May, and the 3rd of May in the US. This just shows how stupid local broadcasters are, or, how international launches cannot happen through TV. We have global film launches where people turn up to the cinema at midnight to watch a film at the same time as audiences on the other side of the planet. It seems an internet launch — the actual screening of something — is the direction we’ll need to go in this networked world. Don’t they realise that fans and players congregate according to their interests and skills, not according to their country? But back to the very exciting LOST ARG!
I forgot to tell you about a paper I’ll be delivering at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Internet Research 7.0: Internet Convergences in Brisbane late September this year. The paper is titled: How the Internet is Holding the Centre of the Narrative Universe, and the abstract is online. The Internet is an undisputedly influential force in … Read moreUpcoming Paper for AOIR
Earlier this month, PayPal launched PayPal Mobile (only available in Canada, US & the UK..grrrr). The service connects your phone to your PayPal account, making you able to purchase from your phone. Advertisements on posters, on websites, in magazines with the icon of Txt2Buy prompt you to enter a code and SMS it to PayPal. … Read moreTxt2Buy, Txt2Give, Txt2Know
I’m collating lists of awards for cross-media productions and courses in cross-media design. Awards I don’t have many at this stage. The problem is, of course, that many people don’t realise that cross-media entertainment is an artform in itself, just like a feature film is, or a TV show. There are some cross-media productions that are … Read moreCross Media Awards & Courses
For those in Melbourne, Australia, next week, I’ll be co-presenting at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School seminar: The Business of Digital Distribution. I’ll be drawing the relationship between distribution and attracting audiences. The objectives of the event are: analyse the benefits of new digital distribution models develop strategies for incorporating digital distribution into their development … Read moreAttracting Audiences & Digital Storytelling
Drew Davidson — who is a permanent resident on my blogroll, and alongside Monique De Haas, is one of the first cross-media researchers I met online all those years ago — is bringing out a book on designing cross media projects: Cross-Media Communications: an Introduction to the Creation of Integrated Media Experiences. Drew is academic … Read moreAnother Cross Media Book!
I just thought I’d give an update on talks I’ve given , will be giving, this year on cross-media entertainment and polymorphic narrative (other than my usual teaching). This year so far I’ve delivered seminars in my capacity as a mentor with LAMP for Bush TV and just yesterday for the Australia Council for the Arts: … Read moreUpdate on my CME talks in industry & academia
Thanks to the heads-up from Gary, an interesting new* term and industry approach to cross-media entertainment/cross-platform content/blah/blah/blah is happening at the MipTV/Milia event: 360 Content. The conference thread is a largely BBC affair on multi-platform content: a Content 360 Digital Pitching Competition. In conjunction with sessions of what the BBC is interested in hearing pitched, they’ll … Read moreCME = 360 Content = Entertainment Everywhere!