Another Cross-media Researcher: Ruppel

I’m thrilled to say there is another cross-media researcher in cyberspace: Marcus Ruppel. He is a PhD student in Textual and Digital Studies in the Department of English at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has started a blog, Triggers and Traces, to share his thoughts for the next couple of months: Welcome to … Read moreAnother Cross-media Researcher: Ruppel

Leaders Direct Our Future

Top producers in film, TV, mobile entertainment, advertising and so on have contributed to a report on Hollywood over the next 75 years. The Future of Entertainment has the following amazing contents: Chris Albrecht The HBO exec on driving home its brand message while innovating programming. Jim Banister The veteran onine executive says the future … Read moreLeaders Direct Our Future

Cross-Media Release will be the Norm

Simultaneous cross-media release will be the norm. I’ve heard a few producers mention this, even the Director-General of the BBC has unveiled that their tv shows will be simulataneously available for download on the web. I thoroughly support this move and have been anxiously waiting for it for some time. When a movie is released, … Read moreCross-Media Release will be the Norm

LAMP Update

Here is info about what some of the best cross-media creators are doing in Australia, from the Laboratory for Advanced Media Production that was run in Melbourne yesterday. It was great being around producers and creators who are committed and contemplate cross-media storytelling. I cannot upload my presentation, as there are still more workshops being … Read moreLAMP Update

Convergence Jam Report

As I mentioned earlier, I attended an industry jam to brainstorm creative projects that employ as many platforms as possible: Convergence Jam. A blow-by-blow report of the event has been posted on the organiser’s website, but here are my impressions. Robbie Stamp, Executive Producer of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy gave a talk … Read moreConvergence Jam Report