Dan Hon, COO of Mind Candy has put the transcript of the 2007 SXSW conference panel: ARG!
Crossovers (what I call inter-world relations in academia) are a familiar trait of comic books. Indeed, the playing with boundaries of all kinds — from media to fictional worlds — is a characteristic of this age of integration. My monocle popped however (to quote Christian McCrea) when I recently saw two ARGs crossover. For the … Read moreCrossovers come to ARGs: Perplex City & Frozen Indigo Angel
Just came across two new sites that provide top notch information about journalism, newspapers and newsrooms in this age of integrating media: Editors Weblog: “editorial solutions for the newspaper renaissance”. Includes categories such as multimedia convergence, citizen journalism, online strategies, newsroom management, revenue & business models Trends in Newsrooms Looking to find out what editors-in-chief … Read moreConvergence Journalism Links
A while ago I came across Kevin Robert’s site SISOMO. Kevin is CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, Ideas Company and is behind paradigmatic approaches such as LoveMarks. I put SISOMO down on my list of things to chase up and got distracted. But thankfully I was reminded of the idea when SISOMO contacted me … Read moreKevin Roberts, SISOMO, Cross-Media, Storyelling…and me!
Lance Weiler, the director of the film The Last Broadcast (which has been described as the “original Blair Witch Project”) released another film last september: Head Trauma. What is interesting about the project is the STACK OF GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE with the film!! Firstly, he or the film has a presence … Read moreWow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…
As many of you would be aware, I wrote the section on ARGs & Academia for the International Game Developers Association Alternate Reality Game SIG Whitepaper. *whew! * I looked around far and wide to find academics and educators who are looking at ARGs and presented what was at the time a pretty comprehensive listing … Read moreAlternate Reality Game Researcher & Educator Listserv
In this second part of my series of posts (part one) about my recent cross-media tour of five countries, I cover my trip to Sweden to deliver a keynote at the First International Conference on Cross Media Interaction Design. Very exciting it was (she says with Yoda grammar). It was held in at a … Read moreSweden: First International Conference on Crossmedia Interaction Design – Day 1
As I’ve mentioned before, Australian company Hoodlum Entertainment, created the online extension to the popular UK soap Emmerdale. A quote from my previous post outlines the format: According to Hoodlum, the Emmerdale Channel is fully integrated with the TV show. At the end of each episode, the show will encourage viewers to visit the channel … Read moreMurderer Revealed to Web Audiences First
Institute for Media and Entertainment and Kellogg School of Management are holding a special event on Branding in Media and Entertainment on April 30 to May 2. They’re focusing on ways to utilise different platforms to make sure your brand breaks through the clutter on different platforms. The mandate for powerful media brands and brand systems has never … Read moreBranding in Media and Entertainment