World Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

At GDC recently, Jane McGonigal announced her latest game: World Without Oil. It officially begins on April 30th, but sites and content are up already. It is apparently sponsored by Independent Lens and PBS, and is designed by Jane and written by Ken Eklund. This looks to be Jane’s move towards creating more socially responsible games … Read moreWorld Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

Finland: Nokia & IGDA

In the first of my posts about my recent 5 country cross-media tour, I’ll cover my quick visit to Finland. As I’ve mentioned before, I was asked to give a talk at the Nokia headquarters in Finland on ‘Alternate Reality Games’. It was an overview presentation pitched for designers and business managers (as that was the audience). It … Read moreFinland: Nokia & IGDA

Experience Design & Showbusiness

Adam Lawrence has put together 12 Tips from Showbusiness to apply to Experience Design: Storyboard your highlights: BoomWowWowWowBOOM! Plan your experience like a Hollywood movie; have a great opening impression, a series of highlights, and a finale that tops even the opener! “The Making of” – show hidden values People are interested in what happens … Read moreExperience Design & Showbusiness

Beyond the Tube & My Name is Earl Cross-Media Sniff

This blog, Beyond the Tube, looks like it is just an aggregator of press releases to major broadcasters, but that is pretty helpful in itself. Indeed, the latest post is pretty interesting: TV Guide magazine, one of the most popular magazines in the country, with 21 million readers each week, has partnered with NBC and … Read moreBeyond the Tube & My Name is Earl Cross-Media Sniff

Parallel Narrative: Webisode & TV for Ghost Whisperer

The narrative relationship between the Ghost Whisperer TV show and their new websiodes looks interesting: Explore the world as seen through the eyes of an earthbound spirit with GHOST WHISPERER: THE OTHER SIDE, an original scripted online companion series to CBS’s GHOST WHISPERER, streaming free of charge on CBS’s broadband channel innertube ( starting today … Read moreParallel Narrative: Webisode & TV for Ghost Whisperer

Cross-Media Marketing Effectiveness Measures

One of the areas of industry cross-media research is that of marketing companies comign up with methods to assess the effectiveness of multi-platform campaigns. One company that looks at this area is Dynamic Logic. Dynamic Logic’s CrossMedia Research™ is designed for advertisers, agencies and publishers: Measure the value and synergy of multi-media ad campaigns Quantify … Read moreCross-Media Marketing Effectiveness Measures

CFP: 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution

Whew! What a title. AXMEDIS looks interesting. The conference is being held on the 28-30th November at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. In the Internet as well as in the digital era, cross-media production and distribution represent key developments and innovations that are fostered by emergent technologies to ensure better value for money while optimising … Read moreCFP: 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution

Sample ARGs

Fro those who have never played an ARG and are interested in understanding them more, here are some sample ARGs. * Dave Szulborski‘s ‘Errant Memories’. A game Szulborski created for beginners. He takes you through the whole process, explains what do in his two books: This is Not a Game, 2005, pp. 343-377 and Through … Read moreSample ARGs