Games and Culture CFP

My mate Larissa is editing this very interesting edition of Games and Culture journal: Call for papers Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media Special issue: Gaming in the Asia-Pacific As a region, the Asia-Pacific is marked by diverse penetration rates of gaming, mobile and broadband technologies, subject to local cultural and socio-economic nuances. … Read moreGames and Culture CFP

Chinese Youth Culture Blog

Tricia Wang — a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at University of California, San Diego — blogs about ‘the nexus of Chinese Youth culture, Media, Technology and Information within a global context’ at YouMeiTi. China, she reported recently, has 830 million phone users and 132 million people online. Tricia is also the current reblogger for Eyebeam.

Massively Multiplayer Online Movie

Have a look at what Michela Ledwidge is doing at ModFilms, a site for people to do remixes of films. She is also working on a ‘massively multiplayer online movie’ called Sanctuary. It is described as follows: Sanctuary is an experimental sci-fi short due for release 2006. The project, now in VFX POST PRODUCTION, is both … Read moreMassively Multiplayer Online Movie

Theories/Practices on Blogging

The current issue of Reconstruction (vol 6, no 4), Theories/Practices of Blogging, was years in the making. Michael Benton and Lauren Elkin, the editors, have been searching for papers on blogging; seaching for bloggers to commission to write on blogging and searching for bloggers to just blog about blogging. Jeremy Douglass, Mark Marino and myself … Read moreTheories/Practices on Blogging

ARGN Netcast

The Alternate Reality Gaming Network has started a podcast, well, netcast. It looks like they will be delivering ARG commentary every week, which is great news. Although the style of the show is casual, subjective chat, there are some gems for would-be ARG designers, researchers and marketers out there. So far there are two episodes … Read moreARGN Netcast

My InWorld Lecture and Alternate Reality Interview

On Friday night/Friday morning I presented my first inworld lecture inside the virtual world Second Life. Drawing from my articles in Slate Night Magazine, I spoke about the ‘Remediation of the Art Space in SL’. This lecture was part of a special session Anya Ixchel, the editor of Slate Night arranged for the New Media … Read moreMy InWorld Lecture and Alternate Reality Interview

DAC in Australia

DAC, the premier international digital arts conference, will be in Perth next year with Beap. They have just announced the first stage of acceptances: The reviewing of the 230 abstracts has now been completed, and many thanks to the reviewers for the enormous task. In a process that turns out to have been highly competitive, … Read moreDAC in Australia