Jane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web

Jeremy Douglass, my wonderful co-blogger at WRT, interviewed new media arts legend Nick Montfort for the current issue of the Iowa Review Web. Jane McGonigal, ARG researcher and designer, was also interviewed (by Scott Rettberg — another new media arts legend and guest editor for the issue). Jane claims that players create Gesamtkunstwerk. I have cited Wagner’s … Read moreJane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web


The latest issue of The Escapist has a well-written article on iMobs: people who use the Net to track down the real life identity of someone known in cyberspace and harrass them in real life. Mathew Hector, an attorney,covers, among other things, harrassment in China, Second Life and EverQuest. Read the article.

Play Symphony

PLAY! A Video Game Symphony is a Symphony world-tour featuring music from blockbuster video games. The music is performed by some of the finest, world-class orchestras and choirs. All concerts take place in classy, prestigious venues. Graphics on large screens suspended above the orchestra accompany the scores, highlighting memorable moments from the video games. The … Read morePlay Symphony

Funny moment

Thought I’d do the “normal” thing and call up a shop assistant (a human) at a local store (remember bricks and mortar?) and ask if they have a DVD in (remember tangible goods?) I could buy (remember…). Well, I called up and guess what she did? She looked up www.imdb.com.