International Digital Cinema Blog & Event

Great news from Jeremy Nathan of DV8 films about digital cinema. Digitmart a Montréal-based non-profit organization established in April 2005 by founding Chair Daniel Langlois. Digimart operates an annual digital cinema market that provides business and networking opportunities for the global film industry. Digimart is an innovative forum for the dissemination of film and the promotion of … Read moreInternational Digital Cinema Blog & Event

Writing About Virtual Words (My Second [Life] Job)

I have to confess I’m moonlighting in another world. I’ve started working in the virtual world Second Life as an “embedded journalist”. SLATE Magazine (Second Life Arts & Total Entertainment Magazine) is a new Second Life magazine that covers the arts in SL. There are 14 authors in the collective so far and we’re a … Read moreWriting About Virtual Words (My Second [Life] Job)

Geez, Veronica Mars and Samuel L Jackson Keep Calling Me

ARGs have had characters calling ‘players’ (people?) for some years now. In the last couple of years we’ve seen this technique being used by film and TV producers. Rather than provide unique narrative content, however, they have a more economic function: motivating you to watch the TV show or film. Well, September last year I … Read moreGeez, Veronica Mars and Samuel L Jackson Keep Calling Me

World Cup Integrated Marketing Discussion

Monique has posted about a very interesting upcoming event: Cross-Media horizons after the World Cup being held in Cologne on the 25th August. 10:00 ? 10:10       Introduction Dr. Bettina Horster, eco; Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle/INCCOM-Project Host: Jochen Spangenberg/Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle 10:15 – 10:25        Cross-Media and EC policies Barbara Gessler, Representative of the European commission … Read moreWorld Cup Integrated Marketing Discussion