Marketing Across Worlds

I?ve been enjoying travelling around Second Life (SL) and investigating, among other things, the marketing systems being developed. Why SL? Everything in SL is created by the ‘residents’ who keep their IP and can choose to give away or sell their creations. This virtual money, Linden dollars,?can be?converted into real US dollars and withdrawn from … Read moreMarketing Across Worlds

Simultaneous Media Usage Update

I’ve provided an overview of the different studies that have been conducted into how people are using multiple media. An update from BigResearch and their SIMM study is online [pdf]. From their email release dated 15th June: Last week in Shanghai, BIGresearch for the 3rd consecutive year presented its breakthrough media consumption model from its … Read moreSimultaneous Media Usage Update

Hispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna

  Thanks for this heads up from fellow mentor at LAMP, David Jensen of Zeetools, for this little gem. Telemundo (NBC Universal owned) launched a VOD mystery series for Central and South American audiences, Barbara Luna, that had the first episode on television. Let me explain. What they did was have the stars of the show … Read moreHispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna

Oh So Not Cross-Media Week

Well, I’ve been excited about the upcoming Crossmedia Week (now Picnic ’06) being held in Amsterdam in September this year. I’ve been hanging out to find out what was going to be put on. Well, they’re just released the program and….it isn’t cross-media. It is interesting, has a great lineup of just about every angle a person working in entertainment should look at, but hardly any cross-media. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am. It just shows how way off many in the industry are, and how way off they will continue to be. I mean, it is inevitable that they will be talking about cross-media/convergent/transmedia strategies, and there won’t be hardly any people versed in it to provide some real and helpful insights. Don’t get me wrong, the line-up is amazing, but they don’t have any of the cross-media creators there. It is obvious they are saying: Find out About All the Platforms, Formats and Business Cases Around Week, not Find Out How You Can Combine All the Platforms and Formats and Business Cases Around Week. And I must say they have one of the best line-ups for providing this that I’ve seen: new media arts people, top Hollywood people, new marketing people (go Joseph!). But, have I made myself clear, they are not talking about cross-media!! Geez. It doesn’t matter what term you use — cross-media, convergent, multi-platform, 360 content, integrated entertainment, transmedia entertainment — it isn’t being directly addressed at this event. 🙁

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Integration isn't Media

Jim Meskauskas puts forward a wonderfully sensible critique of the way marketers are approaching ‘integrated marketing’: What most clients, agencies and media companies/publishers don’t seem to understand is that integration is not really a media opportunity; it is a creative strategy. Yes, ladies and gentleman. Integration is not really possible in media.  Media companies with … Read moreIntegration isn't Media