Filmmakers that Think Outside the Film

Lance Weiler — an acclaimed director films such as Head Trauma (that I posted about here) and The Last Broadcast — asked me to write an article about films and cross-media for the Workbook Project (a free resource for content creators). Of course I agreed to! So, I wrote a long article about the some of nifty things … Read moreFilmmakers that Think Outside the Film

SXSW Alternate Reality Games transcript online

Dan Hon, COO of Mind Candy has put the transcript of the 2007 SXSW conference panel: ARG! The Attack of the Alternate Reality Games transcript online. It is a fantastic talk that addresses alot of questions people have about ARGs and marketing and emerging trends. I’ve cherrypicked some quotes that stand out for me.

Read moreSXSW Alternate Reality Games transcript online

My Guest Lecture: "Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts"

The Digital Communication and Culture Department at the University of Sydney (which is the Uni where I’m doing my PhD) invited me to give a lecture to their Digital Cultures students. Tomorrow I’ll be giving the talk titled Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts. I’ll present on the different approaches to cross-media/transmedia/multi-platform in mass-entertainment, independent art, gaming, literature … Read moreMy Guest Lecture: "Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts"

"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

This is definitely a time of monocle popping for me. I have just discovered a course dedicated to ‘transmedia story creation’. It is a core postgraduate subject in the Visual Language and Interactive Media MFA in Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. Dr Rudy McDaniel runs the course, which is described in the syllabus as follows: In … Read more"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

Kevin Roberts, SISOMO, Cross-Media, Storyelling…and me!

A while ago I came across Kevin Robert’s site SISOMO. Kevin is CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, Ideas Company and is behind paradigmatic approaches such as LoveMarks. I put SISOMO down on my list of things to chase up and got distracted. But thankfully I was reminded of the idea when SISOMO contacted me … Read moreKevin Roberts, SISOMO, Cross-Media, Storyelling…and me!

Wow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…

    Lance Weiler, the director of the film The Last Broadcast (which has been described as the “original Blair Witch Project”) released another film last september: Head Trauma. What is interesting about the project is the STACK OF GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE with the film!! Firstly, he or the film has a presence … Read moreWow! DIY Cinema, theatre, gaming, mobile, mashups, comics, blog, podcasts…

2007 sagasnet projects

The 2007 Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar run by sagasnet is currently in play. During this Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar pre-selected interactive narrative projects in development (no limitation on media, genre or target audience) will be provided in parallel with high-profile face-to-face consulting sessions (on financing, project management, marketing, story structure, game play…). Consultants will … Read more2007 sagasnet projects

I'm a Sensor!

A couple of months ago I was called up by researchers from a company called Sense Worldwide…  Sense Worldwide provides contextual research and concept development services to Blue Chip and Fortune 500 clients across many different sectors and categories. Founded in 1999 we were one of the first companies to utilise human networks to gain … Read moreI'm a Sensor!

World Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

At GDC recently, Jane McGonigal announced her latest game: World Without Oil. It officially begins on April 30th, but sites and content are up already. It is apparently sponsored by Independent Lens and PBS, and is designed by Jane and written by Ken Eklund. This looks to be Jane’s move towards creating more socially responsible games … Read moreWorld Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

Discover Manoa!: Second Life RPG & the problem with ARGs


Discover Manoa


Oder Skall of the Second Life Herald posted about this latest ‘experience’ in the online virtual world Second Life. The press release about the experience sounds quite enticing:

Read moreDiscover Manoa!: Second Life RPG & the problem with ARGs