DAC in Australia

DAC, the premier international digital arts conference, will be in Perth next year with Beap. They have just announced the first stage of acceptances: The reviewing of the 230 abstracts has now been completed, and many thanks to the reviewers for the enormous task. In a process that turns out to have been highly competitive, … Read moreDAC in Australia

Get Outta My Face!

Ah geez, it is fun saying that: Get Outta My Face! But really, it is the name of a project, a very exciting project that has been started by five teens in Central Oregon. They are sick of big company advertisements that prescribe correct dietary behaviour with “lame” motivations like “eat THIS on the new food pyramid” or “turn … Read moreGet Outta My Face!

The Whedonverse Expands

As with all conjured universes that have a premature ending or unpopulated grid, the Whedonverse, specifically Firefly and Serenity verse, has been persisted by fans. There are some wonderful fanfics such as the fan-made TV-series Into the Black and the live-action paromage (what I call a parody that is a homage) Mosquito. More recently there is also … Read moreThe Whedonverse Expands

Game Writing Skills

 Just out (in June) is an edited book that looks like an excellent resource: Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames. Contributors include Ernest Adams; Chris Bateman; Richard Boon; Richard Dansky; Mary DeMarle; Matt Entin; Stephen Jacobs; Ed Kuehnel; Tim Langdell; Rhianna Pratchett; Coray Seifert; James Swallow and Andrew S. Walsh. It is described as follows: … Read moreGame Writing Skills

UGC & Broadcasters in Oz

I’ve still got UGC (user-generated content) on my mind as I’m writing an article on the topic at the moment. Something I forgot to mention in my last UGC post: Australia’s “multicultural and multilingual public broadcaster”, the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), is starting a UGC site called Freeload. It launches on 20th Feb. Freeload will bring together, … Read moreUGC & Broadcasters in Oz

Videos about CME issues

Tracey Swedlow, of [itvt], has put a few short videos of talks given by top interactive tv producers online. They are all relevant to CME design: Brightcove’s VP of advertising products and strategy, Adam Gerber, talks about enabling the producer in a fragmented market John Davis, president of Eco-Nova Productions, and Daniel Myrick,president of Gearhead … Read moreVideos about CME issues

UGC links

I attended a conference on Digital Storytelling recently and picked up some good UGC (user-generated content) projects. Digital Storytelling, for those who like me who get confused by the term, is the term used to describe stories that are created by amateurs about themselves, using digital equipment. They are not often interactive, usually films shot on digital cameras. Here is a … Read moreUGC links