Upcoming Paper for AOIR

I forgot to tell you about a paper I’ll be delivering at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Internet Research 7.0: Internet Convergences in Brisbane late September this year. The paper is titled: How the Internet is Holding the Centre of the Narrative Universe, and the abstract is online. The Internet is an undisputedly influential force in … Read moreUpcoming Paper for AOIR

Fibreculture Mobility issue

This journal edition came out a while ago (cna you tell I’m going through my long neglected drafts?), but has some interesting papers on mobility. Dong-Hoo Lee documents the experiments with self-image and expression now allowed young Korean women by camera phones. Angel Lin affirms the continuation of older social practices amongst Hong Kong college … Read moreFibreculture Mobility issue

Clustering Media Usage

I’m very excited by this latest research into audience behaviour. BigResearch have announced an analysis, conducted by Martin Block and Don Schultz of the Medill School at Northwestern University, on their pivotal study on simultaneous media usage (I’ve discussed this previously). It has revealed eight clusters of media usage that ignore demographics and geographical consdierations. … Read moreClustering Media Usage

Another Research Group, and in Europe of course

Participation and Play in Converging Media is a research project based at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo and has been running since 2004! The English description on the website explains the projects thus: The project investigates non-professional participation in the media, with an emphasis on how participation is facilitated and exploited by the media … Read moreAnother Research Group, and in Europe of course

GDC Wish List

Ok, I’ve been asked by a few people if I’ll be at Game Developers Conference this year. I won’t unfortunately. So, if you’re going and end up attending any of the following sessions, let me know what you thought. What’s Next Panel  Advergaming, Game-Based Messaging, and Marketing I  Advergaming, Game-Based Messaging, and Marketing II  A … Read moreGDC Wish List

Two Key Cross-Media Events

Two key events that address cross-media entertainment from an industry and academic perspective are happening this year. One is in Italy, the other in Amsterdam. Cross-Media #1 is being held on March 21st in Roma. Here are the details (in Italian!):  Cross-media #1 è il primo evento in Italia dedicato alla comunicazione cross-mediale. Una giornata di … Read moreTwo Key Cross-Media Events

Convergent Journalism & Education Convention

Fresh from the The Convergence Newsletter is news that the Broadcast Education Association’s 2006 convention is on “convergence”: Convergence Shockwave: Change, Challenge and Opportunity. It runs from April 26-29 in Las Vegas. There are over 20 sessions dedicated to discussing convergence in many forms: content, management, advertising, culture, technology, curriculum and teaching. There are two … Read moreConvergent Journalism & Education Convention

Marc Ruppel's latest paper

Marc Ruppel is a researcher into what he terms “cross-sited narratives”. He has put one of his talks online, a presentation that was part of his PhD Comprehensive Exam in Digital Studies, University of Maryland College Park. Marc terms: cross-sited narratives “as multi-sensory stories told across two or more diverse media (film, print literature, web, … Read moreMarc Ruppel's latest paper