Sweden: First International Conference on Crossmedia Interaction Design – Day 1

    In this second part of my series of posts (part one) about my recent cross-media tour of five countries, I cover my trip to Sweden to deliver a keynote at the First International Conference on Cross Media Interaction Design. Very exciting it was (she says with Yoda grammar). It was held in at a … Read moreSweden: First International Conference on Crossmedia Interaction Design – Day 1

I'm a Sensor!

A couple of months ago I was called up by researchers from a company called Sense Worldwide…  Sense Worldwide provides contextual research and concept development services to Blue Chip and Fortune 500 clients across many different sectors and categories. Founded in 1999 we were one of the first companies to utilise human networks to gain … Read moreI'm a Sensor!

Cross-media researcher in Philippines & an update on the term

Faye Martel has contacted me, she is the first researcher in the Philippines I’m aware of looking at the area of cross-media. She’s doing an MA in Communications at the Ateneo de Manila University. At present, she’s struggling to find some cross-media projects in the Philippines…and so am I. So, if you know of any, please … Read moreCross-media researcher in Philippines & an update on the term

Telecommunications Research Portal: Budde.com.au

Jak Bouman told me about this research resource developed by Australian Paul Budde when I was in Sweden! Here is a bit from his bio: He specialises in the strategic planning of interactive services such as video media, Internet, multimedia and intelligent and value-added networks based on telecommunications, broadband and satellite networks. His particular expertise lies … Read moreTelecommunications Research Portal: Budde.com.au

Conference: Imagine Media! Media Borders and Intermediality

I missed the CFP for this conference but for those interested here is some info: Nordic Society for Interarts Studies is pleased to announce its eighth conference, to be held at Vaxjo University, Sweden, 25-28 October 2007. What is intermediality? To answer this question, one must first ask: What is a medium, and where do … Read moreConference: Imagine Media! Media Borders and Intermediality

Cross-Media Interaction Design & Nokia Research Labs

I’m about to hope on a plane to go to Sweden, then Finland, Amsterdam, Paris and many places in the US. It will be a great trip…meeting lots of cross-media researchers who I’ve known through cyberspace for a long time, sharing my research and insights and…having a break. My first engagement is a talk for … Read moreCross-Media Interaction Design & Nokia Research Labs

CFP: Refractory

My mate Tom is the co-editor of this very interesting issue for Refractory. The themes they’re interested in will be right up the alley of many of the readers of this blog. 🙂 Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media is a refereed, peer-reviewed, e-journal that explores the diverging and intersecting aspects of current and past … Read moreCFP: Refractory

Transliteracies blog launched: PART

De Montfort University have launched another initiative (they have so many!): Transliteracy is the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms and tools from orality through print, TV, radio and film, to networked digital media. The PART (Production and Research in Transliteracy) Group is led by Professor Sue Thomas at De … Read moreTransliteracies blog launched: PART

CFP: Interactive Entertainment 2007

I’m on the Conference Management Committee of this wonderful event. I hope to see alot of you there… The Fourth Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, 2007 3-5 December 2007 Storey Hall, RMIT University Melbourne, Australia http://www.ie.rmit.edu.au/ SUBMISSION DEADLINES: *Proposals for panels and abstract for individual papers: 30th May 2007 Full Papers (max 8 pages): 15th … Read moreCFP: Interactive Entertainment 2007