My Talk at De Montfort University

Recently I gave a talk for the Online MA in Creative Writing and New Media at De Montfort University, Leicester. It is “designed for writers interested in experimenting with new formats and exploring the potential of new technologies in their writing” and run by “Professor Sue Thomas, writer and former Artistic Director of the trAce Online Writing Centre, … Read moreMy Talk at De Montfort University

The Heroes 360 Experience: a case for (more) tiering


Heroes 360 banner


To augment the popular NBC TV series, Heroes, The Heroes 360 Experience was launched on Jan 22 this year. The official press release from NBC says:

Beginning on January 22nd, viewers will be invited to experience Heroes in a whole new way. As they investigate on-air clues and learn new truths about the characters, their involvement will lead them to new platforms, including interaction with unique mobile content; a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) site that one of the characters gives them access to; a special “two screen” application which provides a real-time experience; access to the fictional Primatech Paper company’s phone system; and significantly increased original content on including secret files, hidden sites and original commentary from cast members added to each streaming episode.

Now, to a bit of discussion about it…

Read moreThe Heroes 360 Experience: a case for (more) tiering

"Poetics of Mobile Media"

Dean Keep, a Masters student at RMIT University, has started a research blog on “micro-narratives”. That term, btw Dean, is not new. 😉 I personally like nano-narratives too, for the alliteration and how it makes me smile when I say it. But seriously, the study of micro-narratives, and micro-narratives created for the small screen (or for small and others … Read more"Poetics of Mobile Media"

Hyperrhiz Journal is launched

A new peer-reviewed journal of new media art has just been launched: Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures provides a forum for experimental new media projects (both critical and creative) located outside or across current disciplinary boundaries. New thinking need not follow established patterns. We at Hyperrhiz oppose the idea that knowledge must grow in a tree structure … Read moreHyperrhiz Journal is launched

CFP: Cross-Media Interaction Design (I'm coming to Sweden!)

The first International Conference on Cross Media Interaction Design is happening. And I’ll be one of the keynotes!! Wohoo, I’m coming to Sweden! 

CMID ´07 – 1st International Conference on Cross Media Interaction  Design


Keynote speakers:
*Professor *Liam Bannon*, *Limerick University, Ireland

**Christy Dena*, *University of Sydney, Australia

Call for papers

CMID ´07 is the first international conference on cross-media interaction design. The conference will bring together researchers  and practitioners from a wide range of areas to address questions  related to cross media design, new media landscapes and media- oriented interaction studies.

Read moreCFP: Cross-Media Interaction Design (I'm coming to Sweden!)

CFP: 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative

 The 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling June 27-30, 2007. University of Tampere, Finland & Pre-Conference Doctoral Course Key-note speakers: Molly Andrews (University of East London), Jens Brockmeier (Berlin/University of Manitoba, Winnipeg), David Herman (Ohio State University), Catherine Kohler Riessman (Boston College). The new deadline for abstracts & panels: January 31, 2007. See … Read moreCFP: 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative

CFP: International Narratology Workshop


The Interdisciplinary Centre for Narratology (ICN, University of Hamburg) and the German Department, University of Ghent kindly invite you to participate in the

„Event, Eventfulness and Tellability“
Friday, 16 February & Saturday, 17 February 2007
at the University of Ghent, Belgium


Read moreCFP: International Narratology Workshop

Best Transmedia Conference Ever!

I’ve attended many industry conferences that claim to be addressing the theme of ‘cross-media’ and ‘transmedia’. I’ve also assessed the schedules of those I haven’t attended from afar. I have not seen one that really understands what it is, and so they do not select the right speakers or ask the right questions. Well, I’m … Read moreBest Transmedia Conference Ever!

AOIR 8.0: Let's Play CFP

The Association of Internet Researchers CFP for the 2007 conference is out. The conference is themed ‘Let’s Play’: We call for papers, panel proposals, and resentations from any discipline, methodology, and community, and from conjunctions of multiple disciplines, methodologies and communities, that address the (playful) blurring of boundaries online. It will be held on Oct … Read moreAOIR 8.0: Let's Play CFP