DAC in Australia

DAC, the premier international digital arts conference, will be in Perth next year with Beap. They have just announced the first stage of acceptances: The reviewing of the 230 abstracts has now been completed, and many thanks to the reviewers for the enormous task. In a process that turns out to have been highly competitive, … Read moreDAC in Australia


I’m way too busy again, so apologies for the lack of posting about interesting things happening around the world. Here is an update on what I’ve been doing though: Last week I did my first video skype lecture to students at the University of Western Australia on cross-media entertainment. It was for the Masters and Honours … Read moreUpdate

Transmedia Sessions at Futures of Entertainment Conference

MIT Comparative Media Studies and the Convergence Culture Consortium present the Futures of Entertainment Conference, November 17-18, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Wohoo! Here is the blurb: As advertisers look for new ways to engage audiences, content creators search for new audiences, and audiences quest for new ways to connect with culture, the nature of what counts as … Read moreTransmedia Sessions at Futures of Entertainment Conference

What I'm Doing and Not Doing This Week

I WILL NOT be at PICNIC 06 Not by choice. I would love to go and I must say I had free pass to go since I am meant to be co-presenting the International Game Developers Association Alternate Reality Game Whitepaper that I co-wrote, but I couldn’t rustle up the funding in time. I’m sure the writers that are going will … Read moreWhat I'm Doing and Not Doing This Week