My Next Academic Talk: Mono-Polymorphism

Yep, you read it right. I’m presenting my theory on Mono-Polymorphism tomorrow (Friday Sept 15th) at Sydney University at a talk I was invited to give. 🙂 Mono-Polymorphism: A Paradigm for Understanding Cross-Media Entertainment Christy Dena In the age of cross-media production works are distributed over time and space like never before. A story can … Read moreMy Next Academic Talk: Mono-Polymorphism

The Whedonverse Expands

As with all conjured universes that have a premature ending or unpopulated grid, the Whedonverse, specifically Firefly and Serenity verse, has been persisted by fans. There are some wonderful fanfics such as the fan-made TV-series Into the Black and the live-action paromage (what I call a parody that is a homage) Mosquito. More recently there is also … Read moreThe Whedonverse Expands

Brands in Games thesis online

Ilya Vedrashko, a student at MIT, has announced that he has finished his Masters on in-game advertising. His blog, Brands in Games, has been a great resource of information and he will continue with the blog, but he has also generously provided his Masters in pdf format at his new thesis site: He will also … Read moreBrands in Games thesis online

Another book by Henry Jenkins: Fans, Bloggers and Gamers

Henry Jenkins has another book out: Fans, Bloggers and Gamers: Essays on Participatory Culture. Here is the editorial blurb from Amazon: Henry Jenkins’ pioneering work in the early 1990s promoted the idea that fans are among the most active, creative, critically engaged, and socially connected consumers of popular culture and that they represented the vanguard … Read moreAnother book by Henry Jenkins: Fans, Bloggers and Gamers

Second Life Update: me on radio & a pdf

I announced just recently that I work in SL as a journalist and that the magazine, SLATENight, is now online. Well now you can download a pdf of the magazine. I was also interviewed for ABC’s Radio National programme: Background Briefing a couple of weeks ago. The segment is about virtual money etc and is … Read moreSecond Life Update: me on radio & a pdf

My paper is now online: the role of the Net in cross-media entertainment

The paper I wrote for the upcoming Association of Internet Researchers Conference: Internet Convergences, How the Internet is Holding the Center of Conjured Universes, is now online. The Internet is an indisputably influential force in changes to the way entertainment is conceived, produced, distributed, experienced and critiqued. Little is known, however, about how the Internet is used … Read moreMy paper is now online: the role of the Net in cross-media entertainment

Excolunt!: Academic Debate about Convergence Culture

Ian Bogost — respected ludologist, co-founder of Water Cooler Games and author of Unit Operations (his most recent book) — has reviewed Henry Jenkins’ book Convergence Culture. It is a lengthy review in which Bogost queries, of course, Jenkin’s introduction of his own terms and the use of ‘storytelling’ in ‘transmedia storytelling’. Jenkins has responded too, … Read moreExcolunt!: Academic Debate about Convergence Culture

CFP: Perth DAC

This is a reminder that the Perth DAC (7th International Digital Arts and Culture Conference) abstracts are due 28th August (I thought they were originally earlier?): Papers are sought for PerthDAC 2007 that will illuminate both the near and long term Future of Digital Media Culture. Papers which present research outcomes, track trends or developments, … Read moreCFP: Perth DAC