Jane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web

Jeremy Douglass, my wonderful co-blogger at WRT, interviewed new media arts legend Nick Montfort for the current issue of the Iowa Review Web. Jane McGonigal, ARG researcher and designer, was also interviewed (by Scott Rettberg — another new media arts legend and guest editor for the issue). Jane claims that players create Gesamtkunstwerk. I have cited Wagner’s … Read moreJane and Jeremy in Iowa Review Web

CFP: Convergence Culture

Thanks Tom for the heads up on this one: Special Issue on ?Convergence Culture? Guest editors: Mark Deuze, Indiana University Henry Jenkins, MIT (author of Convergence Culture) This call invites submissions for a special issue on ?Convergence Culture?: the worldwide emergence of increasingly collaborative practices between media producers and consumers. Examples are television fan sites, game … Read moreCFP: Convergence Culture

Games and Culture Journal

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is allowing free access until Jan 07. Usually you need a university subscription to access journal papers but they’re offering complete access to anyone. These are great papers, by the usual wonderful ludologists and some emerging Ozzie (currently Ozzie) ones too. Go Anders! Here are the papers delivered … Read moreGames and Culture Journal

A Couple of Relevant CFPs

CFP – REFRACTORY: A JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA SPECIAL ISSUE: TRAVERSING NARRATIVE MEDIA The online journal REFRACTORY is seeking contributions regarding narrative in cinema, television and new media. We invite a variety of approaches and topics, but are particularly interested in essays that explore new areas and objects of narrative study, or offer new perspectives … Read moreA Couple of Relevant CFPs