Bundle o' Joy: 15 Virtual Worlds Papers

Terra Nova reports that 15 papers on virtual worlds are online for free and easy consumption. The papers were written by students of the “Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games.” or “Games for the Web” course at Trinity University. There is a great collection of areas of investigation. I’ve had a quick … Read moreBundle o' Joy: 15 Virtual Worlds Papers

Simultaneous Media Usage Update

I’ve provided an overview of the different studies that have been conducted into how people are using multiple media. An update from BigResearch and their SIMM study is online [pdf]. From their email release dated 15th June: Last week in Shanghai, BIGresearch for the 3rd consecutive year presented its breakthrough media consumption model from its … Read moreSimultaneous Media Usage Update

Call for ARG Academics

Please distribute the following call to places you think appropriate: ================ Needed: Academics who have investigated Alternate Reality Games I’m writing a section on ARGs and Academia for the upcoming International Game Developers Association Alternate Reality Game Special Interest Group Whitepaper (IGDA ARG SIG). I?m after approaches from all fields using all sorts of methodologies, and by researchers … Read moreCall for ARG Academics

ARG Whitepaper

The Independent Game Developer’s Association Alternate Reality Game Special Interest Group (IDGA ARG SIG) is writing up a whitepaper on the area. I’m a member of the group and lucky to be involved as a co-writer on the paper, so some of you will be hearing from me soon…

Reblog: What is Interactive Advertising?

Here is a great essay on Interactive Advertising that was published in the Convergence Newsletter (from Newsplex at the University of South Carolina, vol. III, No.11, May 9 2006), that I thought I’d reblog here:

What is Interactive Advertising?
By Cheryl Harris, associate professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina

With varying degrees of permitted response and functionality, interactive advertising offers viewers the opportunity to interact with ads by requesting additional information, expressing opinions and/or making purchases. Interactive advertising must be sufficiently persuasive to generate a response from the viewer. Increasingly, it appears that effective advertising in the convergent media age is advertising that has been customized or personalized to fit the current preferences of the viewer. In general, advertisers have learned that ?one size fits all? advertising generates much lower response rates than targeted ads. As the digital platforms for Interactive Television (ITV) or Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) come online, some advertisers are already experimenting with various types of customization and personalization that will be coupled with interactive response functions.

Read moreReblog: What is Interactive Advertising?

Marketing Entertainment: Integrate '06

iMedia Connection & Variety’s Integrate ’06 was held on April 12 and now there are some articles and ppts from the talks online at iMediaConnection. Integrate ’06 is the second annual summit that brings together top marketing executives from major entertainment companies to explore the challenges and opportunities in creating integrated marketing programs to reach … Read moreMarketing Entertainment: Integrate '06