The Whedonverse Expands

As with all conjured universes that have a premature ending or unpopulated grid, the Whedonverse, specifically Firefly and Serenity verse, has been persisted by fans. There are some wonderful fanfics such as the fan-made TV-series Into the Black and the live-action paromage (what I call a parody that is a homage) Mosquito. More recently there is also … Read moreThe Whedonverse Expands

Virtual Store, Virtual Money, Real Book, Real Delivery to a Real Person (unfortunately)

Just received the delivery of my first in-world purchase: Julian Dibbell’s book on living off virtual money Play Money. I bought it and the virtual version at the virtual store with virtual money (Lindens) in the virtual world of Second Life. This is a bundled product where for 1 purchase I get the virtual and real … Read moreVirtual Store, Virtual Money, Real Book, Real Delivery to a Real Person (unfortunately)

Second Life Update: me on radio & a pdf

I announced just recently that I work in SL as a journalist and that the magazine, SLATENight, is now online. Well now you can download a pdf of the magazine. I was also interviewed for ABC’s Radio National programme: Background Briefing a couple of weeks ago. The segment is about virtual money etc and is … Read moreSecond Life Update: me on radio & a pdf

Writing About Virtual Words (My Second [Life] Job)

I have to confess I’m moonlighting in another world. I’ve started working in the virtual world Second Life as an “embedded journalist”. SLATE Magazine (Second Life Arts & Total Entertainment Magazine) is a new Second Life magazine that covers the arts in SL. There are 14 authors in the collective so far and we’re a … Read moreWriting About Virtual Words (My Second [Life] Job)


The latest issue of The Escapist has a well-written article on iMobs: people who use the Net to track down the real life identity of someone known in cyberspace and harrass them in real life. Mathew Hector, an attorney,covers, among other things, harrassment in China, Second Life and EverQuest. Read the article.

Games and Culture Journal

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is allowing free access until Jan 07. Usually you need a university subscription to access journal papers but they’re offering complete access to anyone. These are great papers, by the usual wonderful ludologists and some emerging Ozzie (currently Ozzie) ones too. Go Anders! Here are the papers delivered … Read moreGames and Culture Journal