Go Aussie Entrepeneurs! Top 60 Web 2.0 Companies in Australia

Read Write Web has published an article on the top 60 Web 2.0 companies in Australia:

aussieAt Future Exploration Network‘s Web 2.0 in Australia event on June 6, we are including a showcase of the top five examples of Web 2.0 coming out of this glorious country. Identifying who we wanted to invite to the showcase proved a marvelous opportunity to take a good look at what’s out there in the world of Web 2.0. The result is the following list of Australia’s Top 60 Web 2.0 applications.

At the Web 2.0 in Australia event we are showcasing five companies (written up in more detail here) – Atlassian, Gnoos, Omnidrive, Scouta, and Tangler. These fascinating and innovative companies have been chosen for our showcase because they are particularly effective in showing the diversity of the field to our senior executive audience, which gave slightly different results to the Top 60 list.

I’m thrilled to see Tangler (who my co-unorganiser Mick from BarCampSydney is with) and one of the ace companies that sponsored BarCampSydney: Atlassian. Also pleased to see Outback Online (an Australian Second Life — hope they have cleared the rights to use the likeness of Australian landmarks); Perth Norg in there (an aussie citizen journalism site); The Australian Index in there (they recently added my blog!); and the Podcast Network. Go aussies!

Check out: http://www.readwriteweb.com/aussie_top10.html

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