The Ultimate New Marketing Company: Crayon

When I started in the digital effects industry as a producer I noticed that the best people in the business were distributed across companies, states and the world. You never had more a couple in the one company. I remember working discussing with AIMIA back then in the early 90s about how they can group these talented people together. This sort of concern persists, in many sectors. Well, just recently, one of the most high-profile people in new marketing, Joseph Jaffe, decided to gather up all the experts he knew to form a company (or uncompany as Jaffe likes to say). Here is the team: Michael Denton; Neville Hobson, Shel Holtz, Gary Cohen, Joseph Jaffe, Aaron Greenberger, C.C. Chapman and Chris Trela. Now, to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t of blogged about this company if it wasn’t for C.C. Chapman. He is new to the area but has a good mind. I respect his views and will continue to show support of his ventures even though I didn’t receive an invite to their Second Life launch. * sniffle *
The company should do some interesting things. Good luck guys. (Guys, no girls? Hmmm.)

Check out Crayon now, keep on eye on their blog, and if you’re in Second Life, their island.

4 thoughts on “The Ultimate New Marketing Company: Crayon

  1. Thanks for the support and kind words. I actually didn’t send out an invite to anyone I knew because I had a feeling we were going to hit the maximum allowed rather quickly and I was right. I apologize for that and of course will be more then happy to give you a personal tour anytime you want. Looking forward to catching up. We’ve both been rather busy from the sounds of it.

  2. Oh you’re so kind CC. I completely understand about the invite thing. That is one of the cross-media techniques to be developed with SL: having an event spill over to other sims and out-of-world sites so people can enjoy it from alot of different locations. I’ll take you up on the personal tour. And once again, a big congratulations. 🙂 You’re ace.

  3. I wish them well also – but I don’t think they are the ultimate new marketing company. At least I hope not! I only know Joseph from seeing him speak once. Great speaker but no new “ideas” … just new “adjectives”

  4. Hello Chris.

    Yeah, I realised I was a bit too generous with my adjectives too! They are good mediators for those who are unawre of what is going on. I wish them well in doing that. Thanks for stopping by Chris.

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