What I'm Doing and Not Doing This Week


Not by choice. I would love to go and I must say I had free pass to go since I am meant to be co-presenting the International Game Developers Association Alternate Reality Game Whitepaper that I co-wrote, but I couldn’t rustle up the funding in time. I’m sure the writers that are going will do a great job in the session and have a ball. To all the crossmedia researchers who are going that I know (Indira, Monique, Daphne, Peter…) — say hi to the ARG people.

I see that Frank Alsema, a cross-media producer I respect from afar, is attending and there are a few Aussies too: ACID researchers; Courtney Gibson, Head of TV Arts and Entertainment at the ABC; Brendan and Megan from XMediaLab; and some notable organisations who are not there … I must say, although it looks like there is going to be lots of fascinating talks and naughty stuff going on (see this Picnic video at YouTube) the majority of cross-media talks are in the Partner sessions. That means, the cross-media parts were not curated by Picnic, but by people who were attracted to the tag “crossmedia week” and who did it themselves.

In the end though, if I went to Picnic I wouldn’t of been able to do these wonderful things:

I WILL be presenting for the Film Makers Network in Canberra

I will be presenting for the ACT Film Makers Network at National Museum of Australia on Wednesday night for 1.5 hours! Yes, that’s right, they get 1.5 hours of me and I’m going to share lots of juicy cross-media stuff. It is a delight to be speaking to filmmakers and TV writers. Here is the blurb:

Consumers are becoming more demanding about their consumption needs. 

What is the new and progressively required relationship between the television/film content and the interactive component of content for websites, IPOD, RSS and content for mobile phones?

The creation, use and complexity of developing content for producers is progressively becoming more complex. 

We are now living in the information age and what are some questions, considerations practitioners should consider when developing their productions. 

Some questions include:

How is the modern movement in communications affecting the film and television industry?
What can content creators develop to take advantage of other new channels for content dispersal?
How is the new technology of IPOD, interactivity and mobile phones effecting the production planning cycle of production?
What kind of personnel and technologies are involved and required with creating alternative distribution platforms for productions?
How do these new technologies influencing distribution strategies?

I’m going to really enjoy this one. Then, I’ll be flying to Brisbane to do this:

I WILL be presenting and attending the Association of Internet Researchers Conference in Brisbane

I will be presenting and attending the Internet Research 7.0: Internet Convergences, Association of Internet Researchers conference. I will be presenting my talk, How the Internet is Holding the Center of Conjured Universes, in the 8.30am session in the Lockyer Room on Friday 29th Sept. It is a talk about how people are using the internet to manage cross-media projects. There will also be a talk by Anja Bechmann Petersen, a longtime participant in this blog and crossmedia researcher who has come over to Oz from Denmark. Anja is now studying at Syd Uni with me now! She is presenting on Thursday 28th in the 16.15 session in Ballroom B. 

Here are the various sites and tags for the conference as there is sure to be alot of commentary on the web as it unfolds:

See you in Canberra, Brisbane or on the Net! Have a great week everyone!

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7 thoughts on “What I'm Doing and Not Doing This Week

  1. Well, I’m glad that your AoIRing and not PICNICing too, because that means I’m going to get to hear you talk in person and get to meet you in sunny BrisVegas! 🙂

  2. Hello Tama! Congrats on your Doctorate Graduation. 🙂

    It is going to be so much fun seeing the people behind the blogs at this conference…I wish we could have floating balloons over our heads with our blogs.

    I look forward to seeing you too Tama. 🙂

  3. Sorry you could not make it to Holland. Monique did try to arrange something for you, but I do see now, that you could not make it. Anyhow we will blog as much as we can, so that you do get an impression what has been going on here.

  4. ARGs are getting pretty interesting. My encounter with one was when I received Purplex City cards and saw a 1UP.com videocast showing one of the live events in San Fran. Very surreal when every player’s cell phones started ringing at the same time. Anyway I’m now in Brisbane for the AoIR IR:7.0 conference so I hope to make your morning presentation.

  5. Hi Christy,

    I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your seminar at the National Museum in Canberra.
    Thank you so much for coming – it was truly inspirational.
    I was sitting with my colleagues from Atomic Pictures today, excited about all the options
    we had with cross media strategies.
    By the way, I join Second Life and my name is Kris Citylights. I hope we’ll meet there oneday!
    warm regards,

  6. Hi Christy,

    Picnic’06 was great, good speakers, good atmosphere, good wheather and so on….. Many, many websites and weblogs have paid attention to this event. It was the first version of Picnic and many to come, according to the organisation. Many aspects about creativity, civic journalism, technology versus marketing, telivison versus internet and so on, were discussed. The only thing I missed a little, was the ‘red wire’ through all this…… Where is the media cross? And although ‘paper’ was mentioned a couple of time, I was missing the big players on that field, no newspaper publisher was there…. The funny thing is that the CEO of PCM (a big newspaper publisher) was speking at the Dutch Film Festival, which started at the same day as Picnic. And John de Mol (Talpa Television) was at Picnic. It is a funny world. But I really enjoyed myself….



    Take a look here: http://buziaulane.blogspot.com/2006/09/no-picnic-for-traditional-media.html (a review on Picnic from Jak Boumans)

  7. Hello Kris! Thankyou so much for the great feedback and I’m thrilled you’re looking at cross media strategies. When I get back to sydney this week I’ll message you in Second Life. 🙂

    And hello Peter. Thanks for coming by and letting me know about Picnic. Sounds like Picnic was all about Web 2.0 (as Jak said) and not cross media. Oh well, it would of been exciting anyway. Hopefully next year they’ll put in more cross media. I look forward to coming next time and hanging out with you all!

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